Friday, August 13, 2010

She's watering the neighbors' trees!

Once again this year I did a stint at The Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, working as a first round judge
for their 'Greenest Block in Brooklyn' contest. Its the ultimate garden tour . For 2 weeks me, another Judge, and our driver looked at the 220 blocks that entered this year from all corners of Brooklyn. Brooklyn is HUGE of course and I have to say , REALLY missunderstood. Sure there are some desolate areas, even dead zones, but there are also vast stretches with huge stately homes and big yards that are landscaped to the 9's. So many neighborhoods, each with a character all its own. A big 'D' style of diversity. Take East Flatbush for example. Lots of ornate shiney metal gates and chrome window bars. Lots of orange brick row houses. And lots of people who really take pride in all of it . Like this woman. She's tiny, she's elderly, she has medical probs, its 95 degrees out...and she's watering all the street trees on her block. Fuckin' A! Thats a gardener!

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